As Thanksgiving approaches, we look back over the year and are reminded of the daily blessings we have received. We care deeply for our local community and would like to give back in a meaningful way. With that purpose in mind, we invite you to participate in our Thanksgiving Turkey Drive!

Here's what we need from you:

If you know someone in the local Centre Wellington community who is going through a hard time, fill out the form on the right to nominate them for a FREE thanksgiving turkey!

When submitting your nominations, please keep the following in mind:

  • One Turkey per Household: We are committed to providing one turkey per household to ensure that we are able to reach as many families as possible.
  • Local Nominees Only: We ask that you only submit nominations for individuals or families who reside within our local community.
  • Nomination Deadline: We will be accepting nominations until September 22, 2023. Please be sure to submit your nominations before this date.
  • One Nominee per Household: We kindly request that each household only submits one nomination to ensure fairness.
  • Specify Anonymity: If you wish to remain anonymous to the nominee, please indicate it on the form, and we will ensure your identity is kept confidential.

Thank you for your participation!

It takes a village! Thank you for being part of our wonderful community. Your support and participation are what make Centre Wellington a place where we want to raise our families. By coming together and building neighbourly relationships, we are creating a community that is strong and safe, making a difference in the lives of our neighbors and friends. We look forward to your nominations!

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us at 519-787-1780 or by email at

God bless,

The Van Grootheest Team


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