24 October 2022

Centre Wellington Real Estate Market Update For October 24 2022

Real Estate Market Update

Welcome to your weekly real estate market update for October 10-23, 2022
New Listings 19 homes have been listed

Sold Listings

14 homes have sold
Off the market 8 homes have come off the market

For sale

There are 85 homes for sale today in Centre Wellington
Sale price statistics The median sale price of Centre Wellington Homes over the last 60 days is $823,750 and 40 days on the market.
Sale price statistics The median sale price for the same time period in 2021 was $902,500 and 8 days on the market.
 * These statistics are sourced via the Guelph & District Association of Realtors and do not include commercial, farm, mobile home or vacant land listing data


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